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Hi, I'm Fay

My journey began at a young age and continues to be an ongoing journey for life. Everyday, I embrace all the challenges that come along with the world we live in and focus on all that is good. I begin my day with gratitude and strive to be the best version of myself everyday.

It's taken me years to understand how to successfully travel on this journey of life. I've learned so much along the way about the world around me, but mainly myself. I experienced the moments where I felt strong and confident. I basked in the glory of achieving my goals, but I also experienced setbacks. I struggled to understand why all that I was achieving was so short lived. Whether it was weight loss or dealing with stress, I couldn't maintain these positive changes for too long. I thought I was doing it right by reading books and by going online to research what others were doing to improve their health. But it just wasn't working well for me.  It was only after I realized that the goals I had set for myself were not practical or sustainable for my lifestyle, that I understood why I couldn't maintain these changes. I needed a plan that worked for me and wasn't a one size fits all approach. I also realized that I needed to improve my overall lifestyle. As a working mom with a hectic schedule, I was constantly on the go and didn't prioritize my own self care. As life can sometimes be unpredictable, in addition to my already busy life, I was confronted with a challenge which changed my life as a I knew it. It was at this time in my life where I had no other choice but to slow down, quit my job as a teacher and accept that my life would be forever changed.

My journey of life took a turn in an unexpected way and led me on a search for spiritual guidance. My body was tired but I knew I had to keep my mind strong and focused. It was at this time that I learned about mindfulness and how the mind-body connection was the key to maintaining good health and overall well-being. I began to practice yoga and meditate daily. A year later, I enrolled in a course at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to gain a better understanding of how to integrate a holistic approach to improving my life. After just a few weeks of study and practice, I started feeling better and noticed a ripple effect. My daily habits all started improving. I was eating better, sleeping better, and I had an improved sense of self-confidence. 

After completing my course work at IIN, I continued to study additional holistic healing approaches. I implemented everything I was learning into my own life and finally found lasting results. Like the phoenix, I transformed my life and ascended to a healthier me.

It was this amazing journey that I had been on for years, that gave birth to Phoenix Fitness & Wellness.  My journey is still ongoing, as I am always in the driver's seat continuing on the road of life, living each day to its fullest. I am passionate about sharing my story and guiding others on the path of self-discovery and personal transformation. 

The pursuit of wellness is a journey of the mind, body, and the spirit. This journey often requires change from your ordinary way of living.  Breaking bad habits and making better choices isn't always easy. Change can be difficult sometimes, but it’s possible. Finding the motivation to take the first step to improving your life can often be a challenge. The proper support and guidance can lead you on the path toward making lasting changes for a happier, healthier, balanced and fulfilled life. Together, we can help you ascend to a healthier you.


We are all capable of reaching optimal well-being by integrating all the dimensions of health and wellness into our lives. With the proper guidance and support we can make lasting changes to help us live happy and fulfilled lives.



Founder of Phoenix Fitness & Wellness

Owner of Phoenix Lifestyle Boutique

Co-Founder & Co-Owner of Bio Pure Body

Certified Integrative Health & Wellness Coach

Certified Master Life Coach

Certified Breathwork Teacher

Certified Mediation & Mindfulness Coach

Certified Yoga Instructor



To empower and guide you to restore balance in all aspects of your life so that you can improve your overall well-being and live a life with passion and purpose.

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